Electric Railcar Movers

Electric Railcar Movers, without having to start the trains, it is utilised to move trains over short distances. It allows flexible and quick movement, especially in places like workshops, warehouses, and maintenance stations because it can operate both on the road and the railway. Battery-powered manoeuvring vehicles offer significant benefits in fuel efficiency, maintenance times, workplace safety, and operational capabilities over railway vehicles due to their significantly more effective and flexible movement.

Electric Railcar Movers

Features of the system;

  • Rail Guage:1435 mm (Optional)
  • Maximum Drawbar Pull: 50 kN
  • Maximum Pulling / Pushing Capacity: 1000 Tons
  • Vehicle Weight:10 Tons
  • Battery (Voltage, Amps):80 V / 930 Ah (Optional)
  • Battery Charge Time:8 Hours
  • Battery Charger:400 V / 120 Ah
  • Unloaded Maximum Speed:8.5 km/h
  • Maximum Speed at Full Load:4 km/h
  • Rubber Wheel Diameter:Ø 457 mm
  • Steel Wheel Diameter:Ø 275 mm
  • Remote Control:Optional
  • Operator Cab:Optional
  • Steel Wheel Driven Axle Mechanism:Optional
  • Camera:Optional
  • Sandblasting System:Optional
  • Cabin Heater:Optional
  • Coupling Equipment:Optional
  • Flange Lubrication:Optional