It replaces the principal bogie when it is not mounted on the vehicle body in rolling stock manufacturing factories or the maintenance workshops of operating companies, and it is often called a pseudo bogie or dummy bogie.
Ideal usage area: Lifts are used as a substitute for the principal bogie so that the body production can continue when there is a time difference between bogie and body production in vehicle production factories, or so that the vehicle body does not block the maintenance halls when operators take the rail system vehicles to maintenance workshops for heavy maintenance.
The dummy bogie is designed to meet the needs of the enterprise and it is suitable for use and storage in outdoor and indoor environments. Dummy bogies act as the principal bogie in straight lines, curves, junction areas, and on the traverser, allowing driving of the vehicle by towing.
Wheel diameter and profile are determined according to customer needs. Special ball bearings for rail systems are used in wheel bearings. Dummy bogies have an interface to meet the secondary suspension of the vehicle and they also house a central pin interface for metro and LRV vehicles.